How to say Girlfriend in Spanish and relationship phrases

by Fransic verso
Published: Updated: 34 comments
How to say Girlfriend in Spanish and relationship phrases

Hello everyone and welcome to another post for this week. This time, I want to share self-development but another language class in Spanish. Since I’m learning this language it would be good to share some things that I learn with you guys. And also new things that I get from sharing stuff like this. So, this class will be about Spanish words but for relationships. Starting with how to say Girlfriend in Spanish.

There will be more information regarding the phrases and languages. Also, when speaking to your girlfriend in Spanish. I want to share as many important things as possible. This way, you guys have enough information and tips to help you develop healthy relationships and learn new words every day.

How to say Girlfriend in Spanish and relationship phrases

I’ve talked about it how important is to start learning this language. However, today is one reason to learn which to speak to your girlfriend. Some of us have Spanish girlfriends but can’t communicate at the beginning. Which might be difficult but over time you will learn and it will get easier.

My goal in this post is to share words and phrases to help you make it easier. You can use them with your girlfriend as a first step in learning the Spanish language. Using translation is not going to be a good idea for Spanish words. Because the feminine words and grammar are different.

Well, for me, I have my girlfriend that can help me to confirm the meaning of each one. So, I make sure that I share with you the right meaning of words and phrases.

Q: Is it easy to speak with my girlfriend in Spanish?

A: I wouldn’t say it’s difficult but not too easy. You need to practice as you keep learning every day. Some words need more time than others to be able to talk easily. It is possible and you can do it. However, it will take effort and dedication to master it until you get it.

Relationship phrases are possible to learn and practice. But I highly recommend that you have a dictionary with a variety of words and vocabulary. Because you will need to know the right word for the right moment. It might sound like it has similarities with the English language but it is not with everything.

couple walking
Photo by Katerina Holmes

Q: How to communicate with my Spanish girlfriend if I’m still learning?

A: Honestly, it might be a struggle but you will get through it. Using translation can be a good way to communicate with simple words. Maybe you can hint to her using words and she will understand it. However, you need to mention that your Spanish is not so good because she will understand you and try to help you.

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If her English is ok, you can help her to practice and improve it. That will be easier to help you learn Spanish. Well, this was my case and now my girlfriend can understand me better. Some words can be difficult to understand from her but still much better than before.

Ways to make it fun to learn the Spanish language with your girlfriends

Before I go to the meaning of girlfriend in Spanish and relationships phrases. I want to share some tips to help you to improve your language with your partner. This goes both ways either for English or Spanish and for both of you. We planned to do some of these things but since my girlfriend has exams and needs to focus on her study. Then, we decided to do it when we have the time to do it.

Each day, focus on a number of phrases and words

This is a good way to stay organized and avoid being in a messy situation while learning. Just like being in a language class, you will have words and phrases to learn every day. And the same goes for your girlfriend or partner. Either for English to help her or for you, to improve your Spanish language.

Feel free to set up the number of words and phrases to practice and learn. However, the more you will learn, the faster you will be able to speak with your partner. Don’t pressure yourself though. Because that is not going to help and it will make things difficult to handle for you in life.

Remember to practice every day with each other

Well, I say this because being in a relationship and having other things to do in life. You could forget to practice with each other. Sometimes you will not do it for being lazy. However, remembering and having the determination to do will help you to stay consistent with learning.

Sometimes the moment could occur and you would forget to practice. If you learning words at a certain moment, you need to remember to say the words. So, it’s good to remind each other and improve speaking with each other.

Challenge yourself to speak with each other

Processes without having fun part will be boring and may not last long. So, when you challenge yourself and maybe challenge each other will make it interesting to learn. This is something I’m looking to do when we have the time to start learning and improving languages with each other.

You can put a challenge for you to have a full conversation. When going shopping, challenge yourself to speak with your girlfriend only in Spanish. This works for any language even if your partner talking another language. It is still good to make a challenge and try to accomplish it.

Things you need to pay attention to when learning with your girlfriend:

couple talking and holding hands. Girlfriend in Spanish
Photo by Andre Revilo on Unsplash

Another that I want to mention before I mention the meaning of girlfriend in Spanish. Well, if you want to learn Spanish with your partner. There are important things that you need to pay attention to. I’m saying this because I know if you failed to pay attention, it might not go the way you want.

  • Separate practice and learning time from time with your partner and being serious

You need to think of your girlfriend as the love of your life. And not a way to use her for learning. Make sure to be serious and have words to speak to her if she doesn’t have any English. Time with your girlfriend, affection, and other important things in a relationship shouldn’t be ignored.

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When she is not in the mode of learning and practice. Make sure to stop and do it when you guys feel good and are in the mood to learn and practice. If you are a girlfriend and want to learn with your boyfriend, this still will be important for you as well.

  • Don’t depend solely on your partner

Learning should be something you put most of the effort into. And don’t always ask your partner about everything. Because it would be boring and so much burden for your partner. So, I highly recommend avoiding learning all from your partner. You can ask but not everything.

  • Avoid translating sentences using translators

If there is one thing I learned from doing this with my girlfriend is not to use translators to translate sentences into Spanish. Sometimes it can be correct but most of the time is not. You would sound weird or rude to your partner and you didn’t even know it. Therefore, make sure not to use and depend on translators for sentences.

The meaning of girlfriend in Spanish and other relationships phrases:

Woman on the laptop.
Photo by Andre Revilo on Unsplash

Now, it’s time for what you guys have been waiting for. The meaning of the words in Spanish and translated to English. I will add more words as time pass to help you more with the words. These are words used in a relationship with your partner either boyfriend or girlfriend.


1) I love you: Te amo

2) I can’t wait to see you: No puedo esperar a verte

3) I adore you: Te adoro

4) I like you very much: Te quiero mucho

5) I love you too: Te amo también

6) I’m crazy for you: Estoy loco por ti

7) You are the love of my life: Eres el amor de mi vida

8) I love you with all of my heart: Te quiero con todo mi corazón

9) You make me happy: Me haces feliz

10) I always think of you: Pienso siempre en ti


1) Boyfriend: Novio

2) Girlfriend: Novia

3) Husband: Marido

4) Sweetheart/honey: Cariño

5) My queen: Mi reina

6) My sun: Mi sol

7) Beautiful flower: Hermosa flor

8) Precious: Preciosa

9) Princess: Princesa

10) Dream girl: Chica de ensueño


1) How beautiful you look: Qué hermosa te ves (for females) | Qué hermoso te ves(for males)

2) You are so sweet: Eres tan cariñosa(for females) | and “cariñoso” for males

3) You are spectacular: Eres spectacular

4) You have pretty eyes: Tienes lindos ojos

5) You are very pretty: Eres muy linda

6) You have a pretty smile: Tienes una bonita sonrisa

7) You look pretty in that outfit: Te ves linda con ese atuendo

8) You have a nice hair: Tienes un lindo cabello

9) You have a good personality: Tienes una buena personalidad

10) You have a pretty voice: Tienes una linda voz

Conclusion of How to say Girlfriend in Spanish and relationship phrases

pinnble pictures. Girlfriend in Spanish
Pinnable picture

Thank you for reading until this point. I shared tips to help you learn with your partner and things you should pay attention to when learning. Hopefully, you found this helpful. And I would appreciate it a lot if you would share it with others to allow them to read this. Important things for learning and improving your Spanish language.

What do you guys think of this post? And the words translated in this post? Do you have a Spanish girlfriend and how do you communicate with each other? Share your answers with us in the comment below.

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Whitney Stewart March 24, 2023 - 5:49 am

I honestly haven’t practiced Spanish since I finished college and in that whole time I was never taught how to say girlfriend. At least I don’t recall that ever happening. Thanks so much for sharing!

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:21 am

Thank you for reading and sharing your comments with us!

Eileen M Loya March 24, 2023 - 8:33 am

Learning a new language and be both fun and challenging. I took Spanish classes in college but since I haven’t put my learning in practice, my Spanish is a little rusty now. Thanks for writing this article. It has made me interested in re-learning the language.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:20 am

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reading the post.

Luna S March 24, 2023 - 8:46 am

Great information and I love how many phrases you included in this post. It is awesome when partners in a relationship try to learn the native language of the other to help with communication more.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:20 am

Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts!

heather March 24, 2023 - 11:21 am

This is great! I’ll have to say some of these things to my husband and see what he says.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:14 am

Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback!

Julie March 24, 2023 - 12:47 pm

This is a great post about how to speak to your girlfriend in Spanish. It’s a great point that I hadn’t thought of that the translator could have you end up sounding rude unintentionally on your part. Thanks for sharing, as a student of Spanish!

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:13 am

I’m glad you find it a great post. Thank you for reading!

Ntensibe Edgar March 24, 2023 - 1:43 pm

Aaawwww…Spanish is always sweet to my eyes and ears. I can never have enough of it, especially when it comes to expressing love between people. I am so bookmarking this blog. Thanks for sharing.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:12 am

That’s awesome, thank you for reading and commenting!

Sonia Seivwright March 24, 2023 - 1:47 pm

“Great post! I found it very helpful and informative. I’m excited to try out some of these phrases with my boyfriend. Thanks for sharing!” ????

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:12 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate your feedback!

Alita March 24, 2023 - 7:11 pm

I can totally relate to this. Having a partner who speaks a different language is not easy. But yeah practicing every day makes it easier.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:11 am

I see! I’m glad you can relate to this. Thank you for reading!

Claudia March 24, 2023 - 7:12 pm

I don’t have a Spanish boyfriend but a Japanese one and we communicate every day not perfectly. Sometimes I don’t understand him and I cannot express myself well but this does not stop us from having a great time.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:11 am

That’s awesome, it’s nice to find a good way to communicate. Thank you for reading!

Jodie March 24, 2023 - 8:15 pm

Great tips on learning another language Fransic!

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:08 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate you sharing your feedback with us!

Amber March 24, 2023 - 10:26 pm

What a cute post topic. Great for those who are dating someone who speaks spanish. but they dont. I love this.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:07 am

Thank you so much! I appreciate you commenting and reading!

Gail March 25, 2023 - 2:06 am

I love all the romantic phrases and the fact you don’t recommend using translation services. It must take a lot of work and determination to learn a new language to communicate with your partner.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:07 am

Yeah, it’s nice to have romantic phrases. Thank you for reading!

Healing Oils March 25, 2023 - 2:00 pm

Thanks for this Spanish tutorial. I like to learn a few phrases that are commonly used.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:03 am

Thank you for reading and sharing your comment!

Adriane March 25, 2023 - 10:50 pm

I have a minor in Spanish, and I’m still not fluent. :) This post has me motivated to get back into it.

Fransic verso March 26, 2023 - 12:00 am

I see, thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

Mila R March 26, 2023 - 4:02 am

Sending this tzo many of my friend. Very cool and helpful article. Spanish is a language of love!

Fransic verso March 30, 2023 - 4:25 am

Spanish is very important and good to learn. Thank you for reading!

Catia March 27, 2023 - 12:25 pm

I love Spanish! What a great post thank you!

Fransic verso March 29, 2023 - 11:56 pm

Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback.

Simona March 28, 2023 - 3:21 am

I studied spanish in school for 6 years but it’s long gone – this was a nice way to refresh it a little!

Fransic verso March 29, 2023 - 11:47 pm

That’s amazing! I’m sure it would be easy if you can get back to it. Thank you for reading!


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