Common Hearing Issues & Practical Tips on Resolving Them

by Fransic verso
Common Hearing Issues

There are numerous things that can result in different hearing issues. The most common problem is hearing loss which is usually caused by aging, particular genetic disorders, loud noises, and certain illnesses.

The risk of dealing with hearing loss increases with age, which means that one-third of people over the age of sixty-five will suffer from it at some point. But what are other hearing problems that may strike someone? If this topic piques your interest, then scroll below to find out more!

Hearing Loss Caused By Age

There are various sorts of hearing loss, and this one is the most common. This condition is also known as presbycusis and it is a direct result of the alterations in the inner ear that happens over time. 

Those who have issues with it, normally have trouble hearing sounds that are too high-pitched, or they aren’t able to understand others in noisy surroundings.

In these types of situations, one of the best things that you can resort to is a hearing aid that is designed to amplify the sounds, enabling you to normally communicate with other people. 

Speaking of hearing aids, if you want to safeguard them the right way and ensure they serve you for a very long period of time, then it would be smart to have hearing aid filters.

So what can be said about hearing aid filters and how can you benefit from them? Namely, they represent components that safeguard these hearing aids from different external, potentially detrimental factors.

Additionally, these filters protect the hearing aid not only from the earwax that’s inside the ear but from external and internal skin oils as well.

What Can Be Said About Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

This condition occurs when the hair cells in the inner ear (also known as the cochlea) are damaged. Those who suffer from it cannot hear sounds properly and they need them to be louder in order to notice them.

Even when sounds are generally loud, patients may still not be capable of understanding them because they aren’t clear enough.

This hearing problem can strike a person at birth, or later in life and can only be resolved with hearing aids because, unfortunately, medical treatments aren’t efficient enough.

Another Common Hearing Issue – Tinnitus 

People who are dealing with this condition oftentimes experience noises or ringing in their ears. They hear sounds that aren’t being made. Some will define these sounds as ringing, while there are those who would describe them as chirping, humming, buzzing, whistling, etc. 

Those who have been exposed to loud sounds for quite some time, typically suffer from tinnitus. Furthermore, there are certain medicines that can cause it too.

Even though there isn’t any cure for it, there are many things that can be done to reduce the symptoms, such as behavioral therapies, sound therapy devices (also referring to hearing aids), and specific medications.


There are various hearing problems that can hit people of all ages, however, today, this informative guide focused on the ones that are most common and that a person can easily identify.

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